Monday, 23 June 2014

Advantages and Disadvantages of FTIR Spectroscopy

Advantages of FTIR are:-

  • FTIR stands for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy is highly sensitive and quick method to achieve high quality spectrum.
  • This spectroscopy gives better signal to noise ratio compared to the dispersive instrument.
  • With FTIR, spectrum can be obtained very quickly and saves time.
  • Gases, solids as well as liquid can be analysed with FTIR.
  • By using FTIR no external calibration is required and gives accurate results.
  • FTIR is non-destructive technique.
  • Organic compounds and Inorganic compounds can be identified easily using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
  • Mechanical breakdown is less compared to other instruments because the mirror which is attached in the interferometer is the only moving part in FTIR.
  • Simultaneous analysis can be done for multiple gaseous compounds.
  • FTIR can identify even small concentrations of contaminants.
  • FTIR has a laser beam which keeps the FTIR instrument accurately calibrated.
  • It generally completes a scans within 1 to 2 seconds.
  • High resolution.

Disadvantages of FTIR are:-

  • FTIR instrument have only single beam while , dispersive instrument generally have a double beam.

To know more about this topic please visit other articles on this blog:
Recommended article: What is FTIR

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