Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Vitamin C: Seven Advantages of Vitamin C

Some important Vitamin C points

Wednesday, 25 June, 2014

Seven Advantages of Vitamin C

Vitamin C has significant advantages over others and is very helpful to cure disease and to keep body healthy.

The Advantages of Vitamin C are:
  1. Vitamin C in skin protection
  2. Vitamin C protects the skin from free radicals which can be generated during exposure of sunlight. The antioxidant present in Vitamin C protects the body skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation during sunlight exposure.
  3. Vitamin C to loose fat
  4. One of the most significant advantages of Vitamin C is it reduces body fat , vitamin C obtained from fruits are very useful to loose body fat. Doctors says that As Vitamin C lowers the insulin so instead of storing sugars into body and converting into body fat , it uses it as a fuel to reduce fat in the body.
  5. Vitamin C in hair loss
  6. Vitamin C keeps free radical away which may generate during food intake. The antioxidant property of Vitamin C removes free radical which may cause damage to hair by making it rough, brittle etc and ultimately prevents hair loss.
  7. Vitamin C in common cold
  8. Vitamin C controls the common cold and reduces the severity of the symptoms which are caused by the common cold. Vitamin C also controls the allergy caused by cold.
  9. Vitamin C dilates blood vessels
  10. Vitamin C also ensure the proper dilation of the blood vessels and keeps a body free diseases such as atherosclerosis, chest pain, high cholesterol, heart pain etc.
  11. Vitamin C in healing wounds
  12. Vitamin C helps to heal wounds, It replaces the tissue which are damage and improves healing property, If Vitamin C deficiency is observed then wound will heal slowly
  13. Vitamin C makes skin Beautiful
  14. There are tiny blood vessels in the skin which contains oxygen and nutrients, Vitamin C provides enough oxygen and nutrition and keeps the skin healthy and beautiful
Because of the Vitamin C, many disease can be prevented by eating citrus fruits and vegetables, apart from discussed points it has various other applications which keeps body healthy and beautiful.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

5 different Types of Air Pollution

Let us see some of the types of air pollution. But before knowing that let us check it out definition of pollution. As we all know that pollution is as unwanted material or something which is added to the environment which causes harmful effect on human beings, animals or all living organism. There are five different types of air pollution which are classified and listed below.

Five different varieties or types of air pollution are as follows:
  1. Industrial air pollution which may arise from thermal power plants, food industry, pesticides, fertilizers and pharmaceutical industry. Due to cement, steel, paper or sugar industry. Air also pollutes due to textile related industries or due to atomic units.
  2. Transportation causes pollution in which vehicles liberates smoke and pollutes surroundings, it may due to all forms of terrestrial transport, urban transport or due to other modes of transport.
  3. Accidental air pollution which may arise due to fires in forests, by accidents of petroleum carrying vehicles or may be due to leakage or a blast in certain industries.
  4. Smog formation, pollution may arise, in which smoke from different industries released in to the environment and then mixes with the fog present in air which is known as Smog.
  5. Pollution by Green house effect in which several important gases are released and combine with air, which rises upward and combine with the atmosphere and return back to the earth and destroy crops, human lives, animals ,plants and livestock etc. 
These are some of the main types of air pollution which are well known. There are other types of pollution such as Water pollution, Soil pollution and much more. please check other articles on this blog.

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