Tuesday 17 June 2014

Range in Analytical Method Validation

What is Range In Analytical Method Validation

Range in Analytical method validation is one of the important criteria or parameter which is checked in order to get accurate, reliable and consistent test results. Range is an expression of the highest and the lowest level of analyte.  Generally the specified range is derived for the linearity studies.  The range which is obtained the the analytical method is generally expressed in the same units as the test results such as percentage, ppm etc.

Related Articles on Analytical Method Validation:

  1. Analytical Method Validation
  2. What is Analytical Method Validation Definition
  3. Steps in Analytical Method Validation
  4. What are Analytical Method Validation Parameters?
  5. Ruggedness in Analytical Method Validation
  6. Robustness in Analytical Method Validation
  7. Limit of Quantification in Analytical Method Validation
  8. Limit of Detection in Analytical Method Validation
  9. Range in Analytical Method Validation

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